*Fancy Dress Disco Wednesday 23rd October*

Weekly update 8th Oct

Good morning,

Thank you all so much for your continued support as we work together to make school as normal as possible for our pupils. The Board of Governors met to review our restart plan and agreed the following changes which will be implemented after Half Term (Monday 1st November).

Start Time…

Red Group: 8.45 am

Blue Group: 8.50 am

Green Group: 8.55 am

Finish Time

P1 & P2: 2.00 pm

P3: 2.55 pm on a Monday and Tuesday and 2.00pm on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

P4 – P7: 2.55 pm

Please leave the school grounds as soon as you pick up your child and we would ask that you don’t bring dogs onto the school premises.

Face coverings should still be worn when on the school premises.


From the 1st November we will be gradually allowing more children to have a school dinner. To allow for the management of this transition…

P6 & P7 children can purchase a school dinner from Monday 1st November

P4 & P5 from Monday 8th November

P1-P3 from Monday 15th November

Each meal costs £2.60 and should be paid via our Parent Pay system by Sunday 31st October. Details about Parent Pay should have come home with your child today.

DINNER MENU FOR NEXT WEEK (11th – 14th October)

Monday 11th October

Lasagne, Sweetcorn, Salad & Crusty Bread

Apple Sponge & Custard

Tuesday 11th October

Breaded Fish, Mashed Potatoes, Beans & Wheaten Bread

Fresh Fruit & Yoghurt

Wednesday 12th October

Roast Chicken, Carrot & Parsnip, Roast & Mashed Potatoes with Gravy

Milk Pudding & Fruit

Thursday 13th October

Chicken Curry, Rice & Naan Bread

Chocolate Cookie, Milk & Fresh Fruit

Friday 14th October

Sausage, Peas and Chips

Fresh Fruit & Yoghurt


We have organised a Cash for Clobber collection and would love you to donate.

On Monday 8th November, we are having our next bag drop collection. Bags of clean, unwanted textiles may be left in the school assembly hall for collection by Cookstown Textile Recyclers, one of the Eco-school program partners, who will sort and recycle.

Please enter via the Assembly Hall door between 9.30 am and 10.30 am on Monday 8th or leave donations at the school office. Please remember to wear a facemask whilst on school premises.

What can you put in the bag??

All types of clothing (even with holes!)
Bags and shoes (please tie shoes together with laces)
Hats and belts
Towels and curtains
Bed linen (sheets, pillow cases, duvet covers)
Remember NO QUILTS OR PILLOWS and all items must be clean.


Opus Digital will be in school on 10th & 11th November to take individual and family photographs. More details will follow shortly.


We have been made aware of some parents driving into the school car park, the only time this is permitted is when dropping children off to Breakfast Club at 8.00 am.

Also please make sure you are not blocking the access to residents’ homes when you park your car to collect your child.


You should by now have heard about the time of an interview with your child’s class teacher. If you have opted for a face to face interview please arrive just before your allocated time, adhere to 2 metre social distancing guidelines when in the school building and wear a face covering when in the corridor.

School will close at 1.45 pm on Monday 18th – Friday 22nd October to facilitate the interviews.


Friday 22nd October will be a non-uniform day and we are also going to launch our cashless payment system Parent Pay on this date. If you haven’t already done so, please sign up for Parent Pay following the instructions sent home separately today. We are asking each child to contribute £2.00 for the non-uniform event. Once you have signed up to Parent Pay your name will be placed in a ballot to win a £30.00 Asda voucher.

HOLIDAYS (all dates are inclusive)

Hallowe’en 25th October – 29th October

Christmas 23rd December – 5th January

Half-term 14th – 18th February

Easter 11th April – 22nd April

May Day 2nd May

Platinum Jubilee Holiday 30th May – 3rd June

School breaks for the summer holiday in 2022 on Thursday 30th June


Our Child Protection Safeguarding Team is as follows:
Designated Teacher:
Mrs A Duff
Deputy Designated Teachers:
Mr Ritchie & Miss V Thompson
Designated Governor:
Ms N Crawford
As always thank you for your ongoing support,

Andrea Duff