Following our current assessment we are focusing on three main areas.
1. Transport - Sustrans Active Travel Programme
2. Waste - Recycling, NI Refillution and single use plastic
3. Outdoor learning
Sustrans is funded by the Public Health Agency and promotes the Active School Travel Programme which aims to encourage more children to walk, bike or scoot to school. With benefits not only for health, well being, fitness, self confidence and road safety awareness it also aims to reduce levels of congestion and pollution. Photos of our recent Bling your Bike day have been included in Sustrans Autumn Newsletter with photos of pupils and the winner of the area competition from Linn PS. Our school officer Beverley Gaston will be completing outdoor activities with all years groups and helping to promote our Big Pedal Day later in the year.
NI Refillution aims to encourage children and adults to reduce the amount of single use plastic used by encouraging both to refill sustainable water bottles. With a current emphasis on global consumption of plastic and the damage to our seas and coastline, this programme is very applicable to a coastal town such as Larne.
If anyone feels they would like to contribute in any way to helping to develop Eco Schools in Linn PS please feel free to contact the school or Miss Lindsay.