*Fancy Dress Disco Wednesday 23rd October*

Vision Statement

It is our vision that Linn Primary School and Nursery Unit is a place where children are nurtured in a caring environment conducive to learning, so that they can become flexible, individual learners who feel valued and can develop the self-confidence and skills to become well rounded individuals.

Our intention is that all adults associated with the school will have opportunities to develop both individually and as valued team members.

It is important that the school is central to the community and therefore our aim is to ensure effective links are maintained with local community groups for the benefit of all.

Our Aims

  • to make each child feel worthwhile and valued;
  • to ensure good communication within the school and to develop links between home, school and the community;
  • to provide effective teaching and learning in a structured and well disciplined environment which will assist children in their future lives;
  • to promote the moral, spiritual, cultural and intellectual well being of every child;
  • to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for each child;
  • to encourage each child to have respect and responsibility for themselves. others and the environment.